Quick view Houston Llew Featherlight - Spiritile #265 Quote: "If you want to fly, you have to give up things that weigh you down.… MSRP: $199.00
Quick view Houston Llew Secret Garden - Spiritile #261 Quote: "Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where once… MSRP: $199.00
Quick view Houston Llew Bloom Spiritile #260 Retired Quote: "And the day came when the risk to remain a bud was more than the ri… MSRP: $199.00
Quick view Monica Rich Kosann Mini "Adventure" Compass Charm Sterling Silver Set with White Sapphires (.033cts) Adjustable 16", 17", 18"… MSRP: $165.00
Quick view Kathy Bransfield We All Shine Necklace Quote: "We all shine differently" Pendant opens like a book to reveal … MSRP: $84.00
Quick view Kathy Bransfield Thoreau Sun Necklace Quote: "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you'v… MSRP: $105.00
Quick view Kathy Bransfield Master of My Fate Necklace Quote: "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul" - William … MSRP: $100.00
Quick view Kathy Bransfield Leave a Trail Necklace Quote: "Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no pat… MSRP: $105.00
Quick view Kathy Bransfield Tolkien Necklace Quote: "Not all those who wander are lost" - J.R.R. Tolkien Quote is h… MSRP: $80.00
Quick view Kathy Bransfield Gandhi Ivy Necklace Quote: "Be the Change you Wish to see in the World" - Gandhi Pendant o… MSRP: $84.00
Quick view Kathy Bransfield The Future Necklace Quote: "The Future Belongs to those who Believe in the Beauty of their Drea… MSRP: $97.00
Quick view Houston Llew Drive Spiritile #253 Quote: "You can figure it out, if you have the drive to do it." - Carroll S… MSRP: $199.00
Quick view Houston Llew Tack Spiritile #252 Quote: "The direction of the wind may change, but I can adjust my sails to … MSRP: $199.00
Quick view Houston Llew Sea Worthy Spiritile #240 Quote: "A ship is safe in harbor - but that is not what ships are built for… MSRP: $250.00
Quick view Houston Llew Aspire Spiritile #235 Quote: "The man on top of the mountain didn't fall there." - Vince Lombardi… MSRP: $199.00